Friday, September 11, 2015

From Fearful to Fearless!

From Fearful to Fearless
Embrace Your Transformation and
Emerge as Brilliantly as a Butterfly!

Just like a caterpillar, there was a period in my life that I moved through my day wandering aimlessly across the earth in anticipation of my ultimate purpose and direction.  During that time, I occasionally stuck my head up to check out the possibilities in my path, and then quickly put my nose close to the ground and continued to follow the path that was most familiar.

Then IT happened.  One day four years ago, I paused just long enough, and kept my head up just long enough to notice how sweet and wonderful the air was.  And the longer I kept my head up, the more I could see the endless possibilities that were meant just for me. The ones I was currently missing out on.    

What did I realize?  In order to truly enjoy and embrace any of the opportunities that were waiting for me, I needed to stop crawling aimlessly and instead change my focus and seek out a new perspective.  And in order to gain a new perspective, I needed to change my position.  At that very moment, I decided I was ready to look for a purposefully designed path that would help me transform my attitude and beliefs.

I began my transformation – not much different than the beautiful metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a chrysalis and eventually a butterfly.  During my chrysalis stage I looked for mentors, my unique purpose, and identifying the values that were most important to me. I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried new things.  I visualized and dreamed about what my new-inspired life would look like and how it would feel.  I prayed about my new perspective.  I waited.   

As my clarity began to intertwine with my dream, I noticed I was becoming excited, yet anxious to share my gifts with others.  I couldn’t wait to burst through my fears and all the beliefs that were holding me back.  But I still questioned whether I was ready.  What if I failed?  Did I really want to leave my protective chrysalis?  It was so warm, cozy, and safe.  So I waited.  I was fearful of leaving my familiar environment - yet I was fearful of staying.  Finally the fear of breaking through my protective barrier became less than the fear of staying the same.  For days, I visualized every part of my arrival.  And finally I was ready.

It was time.  Time to emerge from my chrysalis.  At first I was nervous.  I pushed through anyway and stuck my toe out into life.  Surprisingly, I survived that small movement.  So I pushed my entire foot out into the world and surprisingly I again survived.   My fears turned to anticipation and my anticipation to excitement. I couldn’t wait to enter my unique and special world of possibilities.  I embraced my purpose and the desire to reach all of the people waiting to receive my gifts.  And with one last push, I BURST through my fears, let go of my comfortableness, spread my newfound wings, appreciated my beauty and proceeded to FLY brilliantly like a Butterfly in the direction of my dreams.

I can’t wait to hear how you moved through your fears, identified your purpose and how you found your unique wings and took flight.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Newsletter - September 2015

"For Women Who Want More"
The Latest News from So Now Coaching
Helping 10,000 Women LEAP into their Best LIFE!

September is the Month to Allow Your Circumstances to DEFINE You!
          There was a period in my life that I moved through my day wandering aimlessly about. I finally decided that I had two choices:   (1) Allow my circumstances to destroy me OR (2) Allow my circumstances to define me.  I finally chose…. DEFINE ME!  When I was diagnosed with ALS I went into a deep depression.  And it wasn’t until I chose to reclaim my life that I was able to move through denial and anger – though bargaining and depression and finally into acceptance.  When I look back at my process – and I promise it wasn’t always pretty – and because of how much I enjoy watching “Dancing with the Stars” – I love to express my recovery steps through fun, exciting and inspiring dance moves.

The 5 Inspirational Dance Moves that Help Reclaim Your Life!
1.     The WALTZ – Defined as: Rhythmically turning around and around.
The WALTZ in Real Life: This was the dance phase that I was doing the same thing over and over again expecting things to change. Which by the way is the definition of insanity.  The pain of staying the same was stronger for me than the pain of change – SO I just kept WALTZING.

2.     The FOXTROT – Defined as: Similar to the waltz – smooth and flowing but with two slow steps and two quick steps.
The FOXTROT in Real Life:  During this dance move, I would stick my toe out onto the new life track I desired (the two quick steps) and then I would allow fear to send me running back to my comfort zone (back to waltzing).
Why did I retreat and stay stuck?  I didn’t know what I wanted or how to live the life of the new and different Jenn – the Jenn with ALS.
How did I figure out what I truly wanted?  After working with two life coaches, I was able to identify my gifts and discover specifically my values. With this newfound knowledge I was able to begin to fall back in love with Jenn. J
ust because I had ALS didn’t mean that the core of me had changed too. 

3.     The CHA CHA CHA – Defined as: Small steps accompanied with swaying hip movements.
The CHA CHA CHA in Real Life: The small steps of the Cha Cha Cha were me pushing myself to step out of my comfort zone.  And the swaying hips represented the joy and celebration of staying out of my comfort zone and knowing what I truly wanted in life and which direction to go.  Now that I was in touch with my values and gifts and the Jenn that was always and already there, I began to build a solid life foundation around them.  And because of my clarity in direction, I knew where to focus my career, what events to say yes to, which daily activities were most important, and which goals supported my vision for my life.

4.     The JITTERBUG – Defined as: Lively, uninhibited, exaggerated dance to swing music - with a remarkable amount of improvising.
The JITTERBUG in Real Life:  The jitterbug i
s the dance move that represents the joy, excitement and fulfillment of when I was able to break my dream down into a step-by-step plan of action. The improvising parts of the dance remind me of the many paths it took to get in touch with the vision behind my legacy.

5.     The TANGO – Defined as:  Ballroom dance with abrupt pauses and postures.
The TANGO in Real Life:  The tango was and still is my ultimate goal. Freely living life with ease, doing it my way, and facing fears and challenges head on!  I now know that my past suffering was the path to my complete understanding of my life purpose.  A life filled with opportunities to share the unique gifts that God planted, so long ago, in my heart.

          Am I living in The TANGO every day?  Absolutely not!  But when I find that I need to pick myself back up again, I turn to my five dance moves and reclaim the life I have chosen to live.
Enjoy your amazing day! Jenn

The 3 S's to an Stupendous September.....
1. Successes from January through August need to be appreciated and celebrated.
2. Stop and Evaluate and update the goals you set at the beginning of the year.
3. Share why you do what you do!  Review all the avenues you use to share it.  Is your message and brand consistent and uniquely inspiring?
   "The Soul of Success" Limited Edition Book Cover - So Exciting!!  Book Launch: September 10th 

The Latest News from So Now Coaching..... 

  • Leadership Coaching Tip for September:  “Toward” vs. “Away From” Motivation -- Pain & pleasure are said to be the only two behavioral motivators we have.  In our lives, we seek pleasure and try to avoid pain.

    > People who tend to “move toward” too strongly, may avoid doing what’s uncomfortable, but necessary.
    > People who “move away” too strongly, may be more focused on what they don’t want, than what they do want.

    The solution to effective motivation is to create an environment that makes the things we don't want to do to feel effortless and easy.  One way to do that is to use a visualization process. Walk through, in your mind, what the positive end result will look and feel like. Set goals for each step needed to reach the outcome you desire. And just as important - remind yourself about the painful consequences of not acting on your desire.
  • SO EXCITING - SAVE THE DATE - CELEBREATE with Jenn at her Book Signing...."The Soul of Success" Co-Author with Jack Canfield.  Wednesday, October 21st * 5:30 pm * Chandler's Cafe, Sylvania, OH ** Click here:  Available on Amazon 
  • The So Now™ Professional Network for Women  -- Join us in Sylvania, Perrysburg, Lima or Findlay, Ohio. We have declared 2015 as the "Year of the Butterfly....Embrace your Transformation and Emerge as Brilliantly as a Butterfly." -- Visit our Facebook™ Page for More Exciting News.                                                                                  
Enjoy Your Wonderful Day!
Many Blessings, Jenn

Psalm 18:32, 35 - "It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.  You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great."
Tony Gaskins - "If you don't build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs."
Jenn Wenzke
Life & Motivational Coach
NLP Master Practitioner
MBTI Master Practitioner
Website: So Now Coaching
Facebook Business Page: So Now Coaching   
Founder of "So Now" Network for Professional Women