Thursday, August 27, 2015

Tap Into Your Values and Discover Your Life Purpose

Tap Into Your Values and Discover Your Life Purpose
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” ~Robin Sharma

What Most People Want to Know:
Many of my clients ask, “ How will I know when I am living my life purpose?”  Or “How do I find my life purpose?”

My response:
Knowing your life purpose means that you’ve discovered what is most important to you and you are living it and celebrating it every day of your life.  And if you don’t honor what’s most important to you, you will wander here and then wander there choosing the priorities of others and supporting their dreams instead of your own. You may experience a deep loss of direction, leaving you uninspired and unfulfilled.  You may continuously search for the thing that you believe is meant to fill you up and make you happy.  This mindset may cause you to switch jobs, look for a new partner, buy a new car or move to a new location - because you are in a constant search for happiness.  In the end though, you will discover what you are searching for is something that is already within you, lying in waiting, and not apparent until you tap into your values and identify what is most important to YOU!

Then they ask:
“How do I figure out what’s most important to me?”  I then share my five steps that help tap into life purpose.

5 Steps to Help You Tap Into Your Life Purpose:
1. The first step is to get to know you - inside and out.  Fall in love with every part of you, how your wonderful mind thinks and interprets events, how you look, who you enjoy spending time with, what things you like to surround yourself with, what environments make you smile, and how you make decisions and communicate - to just name a few.
2. The second step is to determine what your values are specifically. Discover if they are different than what you thought.  Set goals to help you honor them.
3. The third step is to get in touch with your natural talents and personal gifts.  What special gift do you possess that comes so naturally to you that when you do it you completely lose track of time.
4. The fourth Step: Decide how you can use your gift to help others.  Is there a cause that makes your heart cry?  Is there a business you would put yourself out there and not care if you failed and would keep trying because you loved it so much?
5. And finally, most important, what makes you happy, truly HAPPY?  Decide what that is and find a way to go do and be it.

Stop Wondering About and Wandering Around Your Purpose:
Investing time walking through the five steps will stop the wondering and the wandering.  You will know if you are on the right path and can now spend more time relaxing and enjoying your life.  When you are living a life that is supported by your values and gifts you will experience a life of ease, joy, happiness and fulfillment.  Your gifts will help guide you toward the unique way you were meant to benefit others.  And allowing others to experience your special gifts and talents will create your amazing life of significance.

Your Life Matters:          
Most people have a longing to know that their life mattered and they have left their unique mark on the world. With the busyness of life, many of us may become distracted and only capable of focusing on how to just get through the day, never knowing they are living a life that is not aligned with their purpose.

The Question I present to myself every week:  If you knew you only had one year to live, what would you do with each of your days, and what would you want to be remembered for?   I would love to hear how you would answer that question.

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