Thursday, August 27, 2015

DEMOLISH Your Old Way of Thinking and Gain a New Perspective

 DEMOLISH Your Old Way of Thinking 
and Gain a New Perspective

I am BLOWN – Away!  Have you ever experienced a speech that moved your typical way of thinking into a wonderful spiral?  Stretching you – expanding you – testing you?  On May 8th I watched the live stream event called Leadercast Now.  One of the very first speakers was Andy Stanley.  He blew me away. 

Andy Stanley said this about BOLD Leadership:
“Bold leaders refused to be cowed by how. You can how a great idea right out the door. When people come to you with an idea, say “wow” not “how.”……. “Do not let your calendar or your organization to conspire against you.”
After hearing him speak I was ready to go home. I heard all I needed to hear and I immediately wanted to isolate myself in a room until I came out with the answers to Stanley’s two BOLD Questions:

1. “What do I believe is impossible to do in my field but if it could be done would fundamentally change my business? (Question comes from Joel Barker, 1992, Paradigms)”
2. “What breaks your heart or what would you like people to line up and thank me for when I am old?”
Today, a month later, I am rereading his questions and have been sitting in front of my computer for two hours searching my heart, my brain, and my body for the answer to even one of his two questions.

My daughter is sitting next to me watching a show on her computer, “Game of Thrones” and all of the sudden one of the characters says, “If you want to build a better home you must first demolish the old one.”  I have to admit I have no idea what that show is about - but when I heard the words I found them interesting.  They make me think: I can do that!  I can build a better home by demolishing my old one – in a way.  Instead, I can demolish my old way of thinking and build a new way of thinking.  

In order to do that I decide to step outside of myself, walk across the room and look at myself sitting at my desk, typing away on my computer. 

What do I see from this perspective in my OLD House?
I see a woman that wants to make a difference in a big way.  She is possibly playing too small.  She is hiding behind the fears around her disease. She doesn't believe she will have enough time in her life to reach all of her goals.  Sometimes she chooses an easy way out.  She becomes overwhelmed with being great and doesn't know where to begin. She wavers in her belief in her ability to see her dreams to completion.  She is not sure she deserves to play big.  She has not completely given away fear and embraced faith.

What do I see from this perspective in my NEW House?   
God has given her everything she needs. She loves her life and her business. Her doubts are keeping her from experiencing an abundance of joy, accomplishment and fulfillment. When she chooses to play small she is ignoring people that need her help.  She is open to building a new house.  She wants her house filled with mapped out steps around her most important goals.  She promises to ask for help.  She won’t accept no for an answer when faced with a roadblock in front of her dream.  She knows what is most important to her and she is not afraid to express it. She is ready to approach Stanley’s two questions and not rest until they are answered.  Inside those questions lies the final hurrah to her wonderful life.

All I can say is, OH MY.  I have never looked at myself this way. I challenge you to walk away from your body and watch yourself off at a distance.  What do you see? Write it down and if you feel comfortable, comment below, I’d love to hear from you. It is the most eye opening, enlightening, and somewhat scary exercise I have ever done. 

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