Friday, August 28, 2015

Inspiration Every Month of the Year!

Inspiration Every Month of the Year!

The 3 J's to a JOYFUL January.....
1. Jazz-Up your career by creating a heart-felt, action specific marketing plan and then back it up with your unstoppable attitude.
2. Jubilantly celebrate and appreciate how far you have come EVERY day and go after your 2015 goals with confidence and passion.
3. Journal your journey. Notice how you feel every step of the way.  Are there any limiting beliefs standing in your way? If so.....Document, then Demolish them!

The 3 F's to a FAMOUS February.....
1. Fine-Tune all of your systems and processes.  Be ready for the unexpected.
2. Fire-UP your positive spirit and look at each detour as an opportunity.
3. Faithfully evaluate your life-purpose every quarter. Does it support your values and beliefs?

The 3 M's to a MAGICAL March.....
1. iMagine how completing a series of tasks toward a goal will impact your life.
2. Make the Move to stop putting out fires and instead prioritize your time. 
3. Motivate others by using words of wisdom that encourage success.

The 3 A's to an ABUNDANT April.....
1. Awaken your senses, appreciate your life and celebrate your successes!
2. Adhere to your most important values - without exception!
3. Analyze your communication style - use visionary words of wisdom that encourage success.

The 3 M's to a MAGNIFICENT May.....
1. Be mesmerized by your greatness!
2. Map-out every detail of your best life - and go LIVE it! 
3. Mirror your true needs and beliefs in your communication.

The 3 J's to a JAZZY June.....
1. Joyfully share your gifts!        
2. Jump out of bed each morning and gratefully embrace your day!
3. Jam your mind with positive thoughts!

The 3 J's to a JUBILANT July.....
1. Jumpstart your July by setting an AUDACIOUS Goal. Identify two steps that you will accomplish THIS MONTH.       
2. Jumble up your thinking and look at your dream from a different perspective and then make a BOLD move.
3. Jockey your schedule around until you are only blocking time to do the things that are most important to you and your dream.

The 3 A's to an AUDACIOUS August.....
1. Act as if you are already where you want to be. That means thinking like, talking like, dressing like, and feeling like the person you will become after you have achieved your goals.
2. Annihilate your negative thinking - replace it with a strong visualization of what you would rather believe.
3. Adorn your life with the people that you love to be with.

The 3 S’s to a STUPENDOUS September…..
1. Successes from January through August need to be appreciated and celebrated.
2. Stop and Evaluate and update the goals you set at the beginning of the year.
3. Share why you do what you do!  Review all the avenues you use to share why and what we do.  Is your message and brand consistent and uniquely inspiring?

The 3 O’s to an OUTSTANDING October…..
1. Organize what is most important to you by identifying your Top 10 Values.  Design goals around your values and align your life and business according to them. 
2. Step OUT of your shoes and into the shoes of your future. Are you focusing on the things that will take you to where you truly want to be in life?
3. Optimize your the sun rise...smell a flower...experience each stroke inside your favorite painting. 

The 3 N's to a NOTABLE November.....
1. Nourish your mind with inspirational music and people.
2. Notify your fears that you are breaking-through your comfort zone and bursting into your greatness!
3. Nuzzle-up in a wool blanket, curl up in your favorite chair and visualize your brightest dream -- from inception through fruition.

The 3 D's to a DAZZLING December.....
1. Delight in the beauty behind the reason for the season.
2. Devote time to contemplate whether you are honoring and featuring your special gifts in your business and life.
3. Dream BIG and map out an action plan for the New Year and share it with two people.

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